
Public Sector

Leading modern change in the Public Sector, helping Higher Education, Defence, and Healthcare.

Perform Partners Managing Consultants

Modernising Public Sector

In the UK Public Sector, where higher education, defence, and healthcare stand as cornerstones, we’re right at the heart of the transformation, leveraging digital innovation to ensure that public funds translate into value. Our involvement goes beyond mere observation; we’re actively shaping this transformation and the future ahead. Our expertise is further upheld by our accreditations in the G-Cloud framework, DOS5, Cyber Essential Plus and ISO27001, evidencing our commitment to excellence and security in service delivery.

These accreditations aren’t just badges of honour; they are a testament to our capability and dedication to driving meaningful, quality change across these sectors. Whether it’s enhancing digital infrastructure in higher education, streamlining operations in defence, or improving patient systems in healthcare, our team is equipped to guide and support these vital public services through their digital journeys.

Adeel and Andy, Perform Partners Tech Delivery

Change Squads in the UK Public Sector

Our Change Squads are tailor-made for the job; a crack team bringing a dash of private-sector savvy to the public realm. They’re here to bridge those gaps where the public sector might need more support, especially in higher education, defence, and healthcare. With a keen eye on what works elsewhere, our squads bring fresh ideas to ensure vital services don’t just keep up but lead the way in adopting new technology and ways of working.

Tech Transformation in the UK Public Sector

When it comes to Technical Transformation, we’re all about getting rid of what’s ‘old and clunky’ and bringing in the ‘new and improved’ – especially if it means making services quicker, safer, and more reliable. With G-Cloud and DOS5 in our toolkit, we’re helping the public sector get its head in the Cloud, so to speak, making systems more flexible and ready for whatever tomorrow throws at them. It’s not just about keeping the lights on; it’s about lighting the way forward with tech that makes a real difference in people’s lives.

Regulatory Compliance in the UK Public Sector

Navigating the maze of Regulatory Compliance in the public sector can be hard and sometimes slow the progress of change. We work closely with our clients and partners to identify potential compliance gaps and devise strategies to address them effectively, ensuring that your operations are not just compliant but also positioned to take advantage of regulatory changes as opportunities for growth and differentiation.

Let's transform your challenges into opportunities, today!